Patient lies on left side with legs flexed at thighs. The upper leg is flexed more than the other. A pillow is kept in front of the abdomen and at the back and one under the upper leg.
- Lateral position is used for giving back care enemas and colonic irrigation
- Used for examination of perineum or rectum inserting suppositories
- For taking rectal temperature
- For change of position
- Later position is a relaxing position
- Giving back care
- Explain the procedure to the patient
- Provide privacy
- For left lateral position, place the patient on left side with buttocks to the edge of bed, both thighs flexed and left arm underneath
- For right lateral position, place the patient on right side with buttocks to the edge of bed, both thighs flexed and right arm underneath
- Place air ring under the hips to reduce pressure on trochanters and at the hip joints, the cotton rings or foam pads under the ankles of lower legs to reduce the pressure on ankles
- Align the patient in good position and make sure the patient is not lying on his arm
- Support the body parts in good alignment for comfort
Left lateral position: with one pillow under the head, patient is placed to lie on the left side
Use of left lateral positions:
- For giving edema
- For inserting suppositories
- To take rectal examination
- To take rectal temperature
Contraindications of this position are
- After hip surgery
- After orthopedic surgery
Sim’s position is similar to the lateral position except that the patient’s weight is on the anterior aspects of shoulder girdle and hip. The patient’s lower arm is behind him and the upper arm is flexed at the shoulder and elbow.
- This position is used for unconscious patient
- It is used for rectal examinations
- Used for vaginal examinations
- Used for relaxation in antenatal exercises
- Explain the procedure to the patient
- Collect articles need at the bed side
- Provide privacy
- Place the patient on the side
- One pillow is placed under the head with the left check resting on it
- The left arm is drawn behind the body and the right arm may be in any position comfortable for the patient
- The right thigh is flexed against the abdomen
- The left leg is extended well
- Cover the patient with top sheet neatly
Patients with deformities of the hip or knee may be unable to assume this position

PATIENT POSITIONING – LATERAL & SIM’S POSITION – Purpose, Principles, Factors Involved, Types, General Instructions, Preliminary Assessment, Equipment and Procedure