Fowler’s position is a sitting position in which the head is elevated, at least, a 45 degree angle. Back rest and two pillows are used for the back and head.
In fowler’s position, the main weight bearing areas of the patient are the heels, sacrum and the posterior aspects of the ileum.
- To relieve dyspnea
- To improve circulation
- To prevent thrombosis
- Postoperatively to assist drainage from abdominal or pelvic cavity
- To relax the muscles of the abdomen, back and thighs
- To relieve tension on the abdominal sutures
- To promote comfort
- To localize infection, e.g. priorities
- To relieve edema of the chest and abdomen
- Explain the procedure of the patient
- Arrange the articles needed at the bedside
- Provide privacy
- Place the patient in sitting position with arms at the sides and knees raised with pillow
- Maintain this position; elevate the head of bed to an angle from 45-60 degree (semi-fowler) or 60-90 degree (high-fowler)
- Elevate the knee rest to an angle of 15 degree or place a small pillow under the knees
- Patient should be lying in the lateral decubitus position
- Ensure the vertical plane of the patient’s back is perpendicular to the bed
- Flex knees and hips so that knees are close to the chest
- While flexion of the neck is often taught as important, evidence suggests that this has no effect of the size of the interspinous opening and may be uncomfortable for the patient

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