Weight and height measurements are an index of a person continuing growth and developments and may index to the maintenance of health. A person’s height and weight is influenced by varying factors, such as inheritance, nutrition, incidence of sickness, the endocrine system, etc
Measurement of weight and height is the responsibility of the community health nurse and health visitors to explain the significance of weight and height to the person’s being weighed. Weight and measurement of the child at planned to detect deviation in his own growth curve
- The weighing scales must be accurate
- The baby scales platform must be safe and secure to prevent the child from falling
- The mother or nurse must stay with the child when he is being weighed to prevent falling
- Record of the weight as soon as the scale is read. Adjust the scales each time
- Emphasize importance of weighing during the growth period
- Keep the scale locked when not in use, return bar to 0 after each weight has been read
- To prevent cross infection, the nurse should stand behind or to the side of the person being weighed to prevent contact with the person’s face and mouth
- Scales – with height rod
- Weight balance
- Tape measure
- Records or pocket diary
- Place the scales and measuring in a well-lighted and ventilated area
- Place a clean paper or clean plastic on the scale
- Look at the record and note the last recorded weight
- Place the child flat on weighing scale
- Record the present weight and remove the baby gently
- Record immediately on the chart
- Height can be measured by place the tape measure or measuring rod on a table or firm surface and place the infant alongside the measure. Hold the head and heel firmly and read the measure