CORD CARE – Purpose, General Instruction, Equipment Needed, Procedure and After Care (COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING)
Cord care is cleaning the umbilical cord and applying medicine to prevent occurrence of infection in umbilical region
- To keep the umbilical cord clean and dry
- To prevent infection
- To promote wound healing
- Use aseptic techniques
- Never touch the cord with bare hands
- Use appropriate antimicrobial agent for cord
- Never pull the umbilical cord
- Check the baby’s umbilical cord for infection
A sterile tray containing:
- Cotton swabs and gauze
- Methylated spirit or mercurochrome
- Artery forceps
- Dissecting forceps
- Small bowl to receive solutions
- K-basin (small) and paper bag
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water
- Assess the cord for signs of infection and skin color
- Pour the antimicrobial agent in small bowl
- Clean the cord from central to the periphery
- Repeat the procedure until it is cleaned
- Discard the cotton swab in a paper bag
- Place the baby in a comfortable position
- Advise the mother to avoid the movement of the cord
- Assess the cord for any bleeding
- Wash hands with soap and water
- Clean, sterilize and replace articles
- Record the procedure and observations made