A blood culture is a diagnostic test performed to detect the presence of bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms in the bloodstream. It is a crucial tool in diagnosing bloodstream infections (bacteremia or fungemia), sepsis, and other systemic infections.
Collection of blood for blood culture is a sterile procedure. Surgical (scrub) preparation and techniques are used in collection, storage, transport of blood sample
- To detect the microorganisms
- To treat the disease condition with correct antibiotics
- To detect the right antibiotic to kill the particular microorganism
- When the patient has chills or a temperature hike
General Instructions
- Special type of culture bottles are used for blood culture sample collection
- All blood culture bottles should be carefully examined for clarity of media, any medium showing turbidity should not be used
- Only disposable syringes and needles should be used for collection of blood
- The top of the bottle must be carefully disinfected (with 70% alcohol) just before the bottle is inoculated
- Blood should never be taken from an IV line or above the IV line
- If blood culture bottles are available, blood should be immediately added to the culture medium (broth)
- If blood culture bottles are not available blood may be transported in a sterile tube containing a sterile anticoagulant solution
- The amount of blood collected is 10 ml for adult, 2-5 ml for children and 1-2 ml for infants and neonates
- Blood for culture should be taken before antibiotics are administered
Preliminary Assessment
- The doctors order for specific instructions
- General condition and diagnosis of the patient
- Mental status to follow instruction
- Self-care ability of the patient
- Articles available in the unit such as culture bottles, etc
Preparation of the Patient and Environment
- Explain the procedure to the patient
- Arrange the articles at the bedside
- Obtain laboratory request and culture bottles
- Arrange extra help (if needed any)
- Label and number the container in order wise
- Mackintosh and towel
- Surgical gloves
- Surgical dressing packs to clean the skin over the vein
- Surgical spirit and betadine solution
- Disposable syringe 10 ml with needles
- Culture bottles – 3
- Cotton swabs
- Paper bag and K-basin
- Tourniquet
Blood Sample Collection for Culture
- The area of blood culture sample is cleaned with anti-microbial agent
- Tourniquet applied for bleed sample collection and needle inserted
- Blood culture sample collected in aseptic technique
- Blood culture sample placed in the culture bottle
- Choose the vein to be drawn by touching the skin before it has been disinfected
- Cleanse the skin over the venipuncture site in a circle approximately 5 cm in diameter with 70 % alcohol, rubbing vigorously
- Starting in the center of the circle, apply 2% iodine (or povidone iodine)
- Allow the iodine to remain on the skin for at least 1 minute
- Insert the needle into the vein and withdraw blood
- After the needle has been removed, the site should be cleaned with 70% alcohol again
- Apply gentle pressure with cotton ball over the punctured site
- Transfer the blood in the syringe in to the culture bottles
After Care
- Clean the culture bottle led with spirit swab
- Insert the needle and pour blood into culture bottle
- Mix the solution and blood gently by moving sideways
- Label the culture bottles and send immediately to the laboratories
- Replace the articles after cleaning
- Remove the gloves and wash hands thoroughly
- Record the procedure in the nurse’s record sheet