VECTORCARDIOGRAM – Purpose, Client Preparation, Procedure, After Care and Findings (NURSING PROCEDURE)
A vectorcardiogram is a graphic recording of electric forces of the heart. it is a noninvasive procedure that graphically records the direction and magnitude of the heart’s electric forces by means of a continuous series of vector loops. Three planes of the heart are recorded (frontal, sagittal and horizontal)
A vectorcardiogram is used to assess ischemia, conduction defects and chamber enlargement (hypertrophy or dilation)
- Explain to the client the purpose and procedure for vector cardiogram, no risk is involved
- No present restrictions are required
- Because electrode is applied to the four extremities and the chest clothing should permit easy access
- If the male client’s chest is excessively hairy, the sites may need to be shaved
- Establish a relaxed environment
- Place the client in a supine position
- Conduction jelly is placed on the electrodes and the electrodes are applied and recording is made
- Remove the conduction jelly
- Help the patient to a comfortable position
- Axis deviation
- Conduction disturbances
- Dysrhythmia
- Hypertrophy of the ventricles
- Therapeutic drug effects or toxicity