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The word sex denotes whether a person is male or female or the sex difference, but it is used for sexuality. Sexuality is the quality or state of being sexual. Sexuality is not merely the difference in sex. It is an emotion expressing human nature or character

Definition of Sexual Health

  • Adequate and appropriate knowledge is essential for healthy practices in sexuality
  • It helps to adopt and modify suitable behavior with reference to biological sex, gender identity and gender behavior.
  • It helps to understand and get conscious about one’s own sexual feeling and qualities
  • It helps to keep the health in comfortable attitude towards different types of sexual behavior
  • It helps to develop effective interpersonal relations with both sexes
  • It protects and prevents the occurrence of sexually feeling and qualities
  • It helps to keep the health in comfortable attitude towards different types of sexual behavior
  • It helps to develop effective interpersonal relations with both sexes
  • It protects and prevents the occurrence of sexuality transmitted diseases



  • Mental health is defined as a successful adaptation to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidence by thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are age appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms
  • Mental health is the balanced development of a person’s personality and attitude, which makes him capable of living in harmony with himself and his relatives
  • According to WHO, mental health defined as “the capacity in an individual to form harmonious relations with others and to participate in, or contribute constructively to the changes in his social a physical environment

Mental Exercise

Small children usually get plenty of mental exercise when they are learning to do many things for the first time which requires a good deal of mental and physical coordination. During this period mental growth, we must see that plenty of rest is possible. All grades of intelligence need mental exercise

Principles Contributing Mental Health

  • One should respect his own on others personality
  • One should be aware of the limitations of the self and others and should also have the knowledge of others abilities
  • The individual should be evaluated according to his total behavior

Purposes of Mental Hygiene

  • Good mental health practices helps to prevent mental disorders
  • It helps in preservation of the mental health of the individual and group
  • It helps in the discovery and utilization of therapeutic measures to cure mental illness

Approaches of Mental Hygiene

  • The preventive approach to adjustment problems
  • The therapeutic and preservative approach
  • The curative approach

Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person

  • Ability to accept oneself others and human nature
  • Independence, autonomy and resistance to enculturation
  • Ability to achieve satisfactory interpersonal relationship
  • Democratic character structure and strong sense of ethics
  • Balanced life of work, rest and recreation
  • Self-confident and optimistic
  • The capacity to socially adjust with others and get along with them in different situations
  • Mentally healthy will express his emotions in a desirable and controlled manner
HYGIENE - PATIENT SEX HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH - Definition, Characteristics, Purpose
HYGIENE – PATIENT SEX HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH – Definition, Characteristics, Purpose


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